Mineral Reserves Probable

Mineral Reserves Probable

Principles of the Mineral Resource Classification System …

ability of mineral or energy materials (reserves). Long-term pub­ lic and commercial planning, however, must be based on the ... 1 The terms proved, probable, and possible (used by the industry and economic evalua­ tions of ore in specific deposits or districts) commonly have been used loosely and inter­ ...

Probable reserves definition — AccountingTools

Probable reserves are those mineral reserves for which quantity and grade are computed from information similar to what is used for proven reserves.

Understanding the SEC's New Mining Disclosure …

How will the new rules affect the definitions of mineral reserves, probable mineral reserves and proven mineral reserves? Under existing Guide 7, a reserve is that part of a mineral deposit …

Mineral Reserves: Underground Reserves, Ore Geology

Underground mineral reserves are categorized as Proven and Probable reserves. Proven reserves are quantities of minerals with confirmed economic and legal feasibility. Probable reserves have some level of uncertainty but are still likely extractable based on geological and economic analysis.

JORC : Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

The JORC Code provides a mandatory system for the classification of minerals Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves according to the levels of confidence in …

Mineral Resource Reporting

Every category has sub-categories, respectively Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources, and Proved and Probable Mineral Reserves, based on economics and geological confidence (See Figure 1). Figure 1 General Relationship between Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves.


A 'Probable Mineral Reserve' is the economically mineable part of an Indicated, and in some circumstances, a Measured Mineral Resource. The confidence in the Modifying Factors applying to a Probable Mineral Reserve is lower than that applying to a Proved Mineral Reserve. A 'Mineral Resource'

Yamana Gold Reports Updated Mineral Reserves and Mineral …

Figure 1 Change in Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves at Canadian Malartic Figure 2 Change in Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves at Jacobina Figure 3 Change in Proven and Probable Mineral ...

Alamos Gold Reports Mineral Reserves and Resources for …

Accordingly, there is no assurance any Mineral Reserves or Mineral Resources that the Company may report as "Proven Mineral Reserves", "Probable Mineral Reserves", "Measured Mineral ...

Fortuna reports updated Mineral Reserves and Mineral

As of December 31, 2022, the Yaramoko Mine has Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves of 1.2 Mt containing 220 koz Au, in addition to Measured and Indicated Resources, exclusive of Mineral Reserves ...

Proven and Probable Reserves | Cameco

The tables in this section show the estimates of the proven and probable mineral reserves, and measured, indicated, and inferred mineral resources at those properties.

Reserves and Resources | Equinox Gold

Mineral Resources are inclusive of Mineral Reserves. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Tonnage and grade measurements are in metric units. Contained gold is reported as troy ounces. Mineral resources do not include factors such as mining dilution or mining recovery.

Mineral reserve definition — AccountingTools

A mineral reserve is that portion of a mineral resource that is economically mineable, based on assessments and other information. AccountingTools. ... Probable Reserves. Probable reserves are similar to proven reserves, but the …

Summary of Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource …

Summary of Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates Mineral Reserves (Proven and Probable) Yamana Gold Mineral Reserve Estimate as of December 31, 2021 Proven Mineral Reserves Probable Mineral Reserves Total – Proven and Probable Tonnntained TonnesGradeContained TonnesGradeContained Grade

Lundin Mining Announces 2023 Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve …

On a consolidated basis, the estimated Proven and Probable Mineral Reserve of contained copper is 10,630 kt (23.4 Blb) an increase of 2,220 kt (4.9 Blb) over the previous year. Lundin Mining ...

First Majestic Announces 2023 Mineral Reserve and Mineral …

Statements concerning proven and probable mineral reserves and mineral resource estimates may also be deemed to constitute forward‐looking statements to the extent that they involve estimates of ...


The definition of mineral resource potential and of the several levels of resource potential follow the sug- gestions of Taylor and Steven (1983) for use in joint U.S. Geological …

Exclusive: Disputed Sigma Lithium land has 'probable' reserves…

Sigma Lithium, the biggest player in Brazil's booming lithium industry, told regulators late last year it had found likely mineral reserves on two plots of disputed land, about a month after it ...

Centerra Gold Announces 2023 Year-End Mineral Reserves …

Proven and probable gold mineral reserves were 3.6 million ounces and proven and probable copper mineral reserves were 961 million pounds, as of December 31, 2023. Measured and indicated gold mineral resources were 6.9 million ounces as of December 31, 2023, driven by a significant increase at Mount Milligan.

Reserves and Resources | Lucara Diamond

All Mineral Reserves are classified as Probable. The North Lobe mined from the open pit, is uneconomic and not considered a reserve. The Qualified Persons preparing the Mineral Reserve Estimate was Brandon Chambers, P. Eng.

Australia's Estimated Ore Reserves | Australia's …

Australia's Identified Mineral Resources covers 36 mineral commodities, of which 31 have estimated Ore Reserves and 26 were actually in production in 2021 (Table 2).

Reserves & Resources

Gold Mineral Reserves Mineral Reserves – Proven & Probable Proven Probable Total Proven and Probable Tonnes (kt) Grade (g/t) Contained Gold (koz) Tonnes (kt) Grade (g/t) Contained Gold (koz) Tonnes (kt) Grade (g/t) Contained Gold (koz) Mount Milligan 215,640 0.34 2,387 34,386 0.39 435 250,025 0.35 2,822 Öksüt 1,140 1.1 40 24,116 1 779 …


HIGHLIGHTS Sigma Lithium is increasing its Proven and Probable Reserve balance by 40% to 77.0 million tonnes from 54.8 million tonnes. The entirety of this...

Global Mineral Resource Assessments | U.S. Geological …

In response to the growing demand for information on the global mineral-resource base, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) completed assessments for undiscovered resources of porphyry and sediment-hosted copper, platinum-group elements, and …


HIGHLIGHTS. Sigma Lithium is increasing its Proven and Probable Reserve balance by 40% to 77.0 million tonnes from 54.8 million tonnes. The entirety of this mineral Reserve balance is feasible ...

Proven Reserves: What They are, How They Work

Proven Reserves: After an oil exploration firm conducts a seismic survey on a piece of land, it obtains the proven and probable reserves in that area. Proven reserves are those which have an over ...

Jaguar Mining Reports Updated Mineral Reserves and Mineral …

Vern Baker, CEO of Jaguar Mining stated, "This year's Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource update further advances our organic growth strategy, especially with the initial disclosure of probable Mineral Reserves from our Faina project and the addition of 800 koz of Mineral Resources added from the acquisition of Iamgold´s Sao Sebastiao ...

Mineral Resources vs. Mineral Reserves: Key Mining Terms …

Mineral resources break down into the measured, indicated and inferred categories, while mineral reserves are divided into the proven and probable segments. Each of these terms provides a ...


MINERAL RESERVES AND MINERAL RESOURCES New Gold's Mineral Reserve estimates as at December 31, 2022, is presented in the following table. ... TOTAL PROVEN & PROBABLE RESERVES 3,297 8,176 607 Notes to the Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource estimates are provided below.

MRMR – Standards, Best Practices & Guidance for Mineral …

Application of modifying factors to the geometric design of the mine, equipment sizing, and production planning, resulting in the declaration of proven and probable mineral reserves. This includes the importance of stochastic mine planning in producing multiple scenario sensitivities for improved value and risk analyses.